Le dernier film des 1eES spé anglais de M. Smith

"Much Ado about Nothing - the High School version (2007)"

(actualisé le ) par Webmestre du lycée Jean Rostand

Après l’adaptation de Macbeth de la promotion 2004-2005 et celle de Richard III en 2005-2006, les 1eES spécialité Anglais 2006-2007 ont eux aussi fait un film en cours avec M. Smith : l’adaptation moderne de la pièce de Shakespeare "Beaucoup de Bruit pour Rien", lue en classe de Français avec Mme Tanazefti. Le reste de la classe a participé à certaines scènes grâce à l’aide de Mme Tanazefti et Melle Vernet. Cette année, le projet est reconduit avec les 1eES 2007-2008, sur la pièce de Shakespeare "Peines d’Amour perdues" (lue en classe de Français de Mme Tanazefti).

Le jeudi 13 septembre, les classes de 1eES et de TeES (dont les élèves de 1eES 2006-2007), ainsi qu’une classe de 2nde, ont participé à la projection en salle polyvalente du dernier film fait en 1eES spécialité anglais avec M. Smith : l’adaptation moderne, dans le cadre d’un lycée, de la pièce de William Shakespeare "Much Ado about Nothing". Les élèves avaient étudié en classe la version française et vu des extraits de l’adaptation filmée de Kenneth Brannagh, réalisée en 1993.

Le scénario a été conçu ensemble, ce qui a permis à M. Smith de préparer un script pour la plupart des scènes - certains bouts de dialogues étant improvisés par rapport aux situations prévues dans le scénario.


(droits de reproductions réservés - Vincent Smith, 2007)

MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING - The High School Version

Scene 1 - In the schoolyard - First day of the school year

Dehors ; c’est la rentrée : Hero, Beatrice accueillent Benedick, Claudio et Donna Joan qui ont passé un an à Sintex, mais sont enfin revenus. Clairement, Hero et Claudio s’aiment bien. Benedick et Beatrice passent leur temps à se provoquer mutuellement... Donna Joan est un peu à l’écart, il y a un contentieux avec les autres, mais ceux-ci semblent souhaiter tourner la page et redémarrer sur de bonnes bases. Ils montent en cours. Donna Joan traîne un peu : il exprime sa rage intérieure et promet de gâcher leur enthousiasme.

Beatrice (to Hero) - Hey, Hero ! I’m so happy to see you again !
Hero - Hi, Beatrice... I’m happy to see you too.
Beatrice - Did you have good holidays ?
Hero - Yes I did, but I was eager to start school again.
Beatrice - Really ?
Hero - Yes, I felt a bit lonely.
Beatrice - Oh I see, you missed me !
Hero - Hmm... Yes, I missed you. (The boys are coming. She gives them a glance and smiles to Claudio. Beatrice notices it...
Beatrice - I guess you missed a few other people too !
Hero - Don’t be silly.
Beatrice - Claudio is handsome, I must say...
Hero (teasing Beatrice) - And so is Benedick !
Beatrice - Benedick ? No way !

Useful quotes :

 I see, lady, the gentleman is not in your books !
 There is a kind of merry war betwixt Signor Benedick and her
 (Benedick) But it is certain I am loved of all ladies, only you excepted. And I would I could find in my heart that I had not a hard heart, for truly I love none.
 (Beatrice) A dear happiness to women. They would else have been troubled with a pernicious suitor. I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow than a man swear he loves me.
 (Benedick) God keep your ladyship still in that mind !
 (Donna Joan) I thank you. I am not of many words but I thank you.

Scene 2 - In the schoolyard - First day of the school year

En cours. Beatrice et Benedick débattent, ils ne sont pas d’accord. Ils se confrontent ; les autres voient bien qu’ils ont une attirance mutuelle, derrière une apparente hostilité. Hero fait passer un mot à Don Pedro, qui le lit et fait un signe ambigu à Hero pour signifier qu’il est d’accord. Il chiffonne le mot et le laisse sur la table. Donna Joan, assis à côté de Claudio, lui fait remarquer leur petit jeu et le présente comme un échange de mots doux... Claudio, ébranlé, doute de Hero... A la fin du cours, ils récupèrent le mot : Hero donne rendez-vous à Don Pedro en C5 à 16h... Claudio, plein de soupçons, est furieux. Pour tester Hero, Donna Joan suggère à Claudio d’aller lui parler, mine de rien, et de lui demander des engagements plus clairs, et d’aller voir à 16h en C5, sans la prévenir, si elle respecte ces engagements. Claudio approuve et s’en va. Donna Joan sourit : il sent que son plan machiavélique avance.

The Philosophy Teacher (PhT) - This year will be TERRIBLE for you ! (Some students are impressed). You’ll have to work A LOT, ALL THE TIME ! (Other students look worried) Do you know what WORKING means ?
Student 1 (S1) - People work to make a living.
PhT - (very angry) Did you put your hand up ? Do you know what AUTHORITY means ?
S1 - Sorry...
PhT - You’ve got to remember that I’m the boss here - is that clear ?
S1 - (low profile) Yes.
PhT - (to Student 2, who is smirking) Is that clear ?!?
S2 - (scared) Yes.
PhT - (looking fierce) You’ll have to READ VERY THICK BOOKS with NO PICTURE ! Can you do that ? (No reply) CAN YOU DO THAT ?
All students - Sir, Yes, Sir !
PhT - All right. (Now smiling) So let’s start talking about Philosophy. You know that Philosophy is basically defined as the Love of wisdom. (Hero and Claudio smile to each other. Donna Joan notices it and looks bitter about it). But do the notions of « love » and « wisdom » really go well together ? Is not love a form of madness that challenges the standards of wisdom ? (Benedick puts up his hand) Yes ?
Benedick - (smiling) Well, I guess wisdom is for MEN, and Love is for WOMEN.
PhT - No kidding ? (Beatrice puts up her hand) Yes ?
Beatrice - Men are not interested in love because they’d rather fool around with as many girls as they can.
PhT - Really ?
Beatrice - Yes. Their so-called wisdom is just cynicism and cunning in their attitude to women.
Benedick - Oh God ! Give us a break !
Beatrice - What is wiser ? Lying or telling the truth ? And who is more concerned with true love ? Men or women ?
Hero - (Showing the book on her table, « Romeo & Juliet ») Juliet was very concerned with the truth of Romeo’s vows : « O swear not by the moon, th’inconsistent moon, That monthly changes in her circled orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable. » [RJ - II, 2] (students cheer up).
Benedick - Actresses : that’s what women are. They put on an act and call it true love !
Don Pedro - (standing up) Men can be good actors too : « O blessed blessed night. I am afeard, Being in night, all this is but a dream, too flattering sweet to be substantial. » (Students cheer. Hero gives Don Pedro a wink. Donna Joan point it out to Claudio, who gets suspicious).
PhT - Please, calm down. This is no arena.
Beatrice - I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow than a man swear he loves me.
Benedick - God keep your ladyship still in that mind. So some gentleman or other shall scape a predestinate scratched face. [MAAN - I, 1] (Hero starts writing on a piece of paper. Donna Joan looks at her mischievously)
Beatrice - Scratching could not make it worse than YOUR own face without a scratch.
Several students - Wow ! (Hero folds the piece of paper and hands it over to Don Pedro)
S1 - It’s getting ugly between them !
S2 - Always the same story : the love-hate relationship again and again...
Claudio - Their hearts are like two magnets that have been brought together the wrong way. They repel each other but get any of them to show their other side and they’ll make one ! (Other students agree...)
(Don Pedro reads Hero’s message and nods. Then he throws it away.)
Donna Joan (to Claudio) - Look, hero seems to be enjoying herself.
Claudio - What do you mean ?
Donna Joan - Look. She seems to have some secret business with Don Pedro.
Claudio - What ? No way ! I think Hero has feelings for me - and she’s a loyal girl.
Donna Joan - Well, I’m sure of that. I’m just saying things are not always what they look.
Claudio - Hero looks virtuous because she is. There’s no cunning in her.
Donna Joan - OK. Let’s just make sure by checking out the message she sent to Don Pedro...
(When the class is finished, Claudio & Donna Joan stay behind. Claudio picks up Hero’s crumpled message.)
Claudio - « Let’s meet again this afternoon, at 4pm in C5. » (he looks puzzled and concerned. Then suddenly to Donna Joan :) Come on - there can’t be anything between them.
Donna Joan - Probably not. I guess, they’re just meeting to talk about philosophy..
Claudio - I can’t have misinterpreted her intentions !
Donna Joan - Who knows ? It is a common belief that « woman is always fickle - foolish is he who trusts her ».
Claudio - I’ll talk to her. I’ll see what she says. And then we’ll check what happens at 4pm in C5.

Scène 3 -

Après le cour, Claudio retrouve Hero. Elle a l’air heureuse de le voir. Tout se passe bien, alors il sollicite un rendez-vous après les cours, à 18h. Elle est d’accord, elle a l’air enchantée. Rassuré, ses soupçons dissipés, Claudio parle de Beatrice et Benedick ; contrairement aux apparences, ils ont manifestement des sentiments l’un pour l’autre. Hero confirme, et tous les deux, ils se mettent d’accord pour les rapprocher.


Scène 4 -

Claudio parle avec Benedick ; Hero parle avec Beatrice. En manoeuvrant subtilement, ils cherchent à rapprocher les deux personnages, trop fiers pour avouer le moindre penchant l’un pour l’autre. Mais une fois l’un et l’autre seul, ils consentent, chacun de son côté, être attiré par l’autre.

Hero & Beatrice :

H - He’s invited me for a drink.
B - Claudio is just crazy about you ! (H. is blushing. Beatrice, parodying a wedding ceremony) Do you, Hero,take Claudio to be your husband, and pledge to him your respect and faithful love from this day forward ?
H - Stop teasing me... By the way, we talked about you too.
B - About me ?
H - Yes. Claudio told me he was worried about his friend Benedick.
B - Benedick ? Why should I be concerned whatsoever with that braggart ?
H - The cause of his torment is... YOU !
B - Me ? (smiling) So I did hurt his feelings when I took him down a peg or two.
H - That’s not the point. He won’t admit it, but he’s madly in love with you.
B - Madly in love with me ?
H - Yes. Painfully in love with you, as he feels rejected.
B - What does he expect ? He hits on every girl he sees. I don’t want to be a name on his list of conquests.
H - He knows that. He told Claudio about it. He wants to make amends.
B - He’s always showing off ! Does he think I’m an easy chick that he can pick up when he wants ?
H - Yes, but he finds you so bright and so beautiful that he’s intimidated. So he plays his usual part, but deep inside, he’s all passionate, and too shy to tell you ?
B - Oh really ? (ironical) So the bragging rooster is nothing but a harmless chick ?
H - And you’re just a mocking bird.
B - I don’t want to be a cuckoo - no one cheats on me.
H - Benedick has no one else. He talks a lot, but in fact, he longs for true love and loyalty. You’re the one.
B - How would you know that ?
H - Claudio’s his good friend. He told me about it because he trusts me.
B - ...

Claudio & Benedick : Similar scene...

Scène 5 -

Donna Joan attend Claudio à 15h50. Quand il arrive, Claudio dit à Donna Joan que Hero l’a rassuré et qu’il n’est plus du tout inquiet. Donna Joan dit qu’il suffit d’aller voir en C5 pour confirmer l’absence de toute duplicité de la part de Hero. Ils montent en C5, et là, en s’approchant discrètement, ils voient Hero à travers la petite fenêtre de la porte : elle fait une grande déclaration d’amour (vers de Romeo & Juliet) à Don Pedro ! Claudio, furieux, s’en va en jurant sa haine éternelle à l’égard de Hero. Donna Joan est satisfait. Il jette un œil plus précis à l’intérieur de la classe par la petite fenêtre : on voit que Don Pedro et Hero sont en fait en train de répéter une pièce de théâtre (Romeo et Juliette). Il rit de son mauvais coup !


“Dost thou love me ? I know thou wilt say ’Ay,’
And I will take thy word.”
(Romeo and Juliet. ACT II Scene 2)

“Give me my Romeo ; and when he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night,
And pay no worship to the garish sun.”
(Romeo and Juliet. ACT III Scene 2)

Scène 6 -

Claudio arrive au rendez-vous avec Hero. Beatrice est avec elle. Elle est contente, mais lui fait une tête d’enterrement... Beatrice dit qu’elle s’en va pour les laisser seuls, mais Claudio lui dit que ce n’est pas la peine : il déclare à hero sa haine et son mépris, et l’accuse de duplicité. Elle ne comprend pas et est effondrée. Il part. Beatrice, choquée, essaye de consoler Hero...

(Beatrice and Hero are chatting about Hero’s date with Claudio.)
B- You look so happy !
H- I am.
B- I’m glad for you. Claudio is a good man.
H- Do I look pretty ?
B- You do.
H- Our first date needs to be phenomenal. It may be the beginning of a great story.
B- I wish Benedick was just half as reliable as Claudio. You were true : I have feelings for him, but I’m not sure I can trust him.
H- Claudio knows him better than anyone else and he told me he really has a crush on you.
B- Maybe he likes me because I’m not an easy prey, because he has to fight for me, because I won’t be dominated by a man...
H- Yes ? So what ?
B- Let’s imagine I give in and we go out together... Won’t he just be proud of his victory and dump me for the next chick he likes ?
H- I think he pretends to be a womanizer, but in fact, he’s the most reliable guy on earth. Otherwise, why would he be Claudio’s best friend ?
B- He may be reliable as a friend, but as a lover ?
H- Well, maybe you can ask him to do something for you that will show his degree of commitment.
B- That makes sense... Oh, look : Claudio is coming...
H- Do I look good ?
B- Yes, you do. (teasing her) You’re the prettiest girl of the school... after me ! (Hero shakes her head and laughs)
H- (to Claudio) Hello, Claudio. You can’t imagine how happy I am.
C- You have several good reasons for being happy, I guess.
H- (surprised by his harsh tone) Well, I’m especially delighted in spending some time with you.
C- You are ? You obviously enjoy the presence of men indeed.
H- What do you mean ?
C- I mean that your mouth revels so much in words of love that you dispense them with boundless generosity !
H- What ?
C- I saw you, miserable wretch ! I heard you ! You’re just a slut disguised as an angel !
H- (Voiceless) ???
B- Don’t you dare speak to her like that ! Don’t you dare accuse her of infamy !
C- I accuse her of established misdeeds of her own ! Do you think that I can accept pledges of love from someone who delivers them with no restraint ? Go fool around with whoever you want, but I’m done with you. (He leaves. Hero is shocked)
B- Oh my poor Hero ! Who could have expected such a lapse of reason from a man that looked so reasonable ! (after a moment of silence) Men can’t be trusted. They’re more fickle and insane than a woman shall ever be !

Scene 7 -

Benedick, influencé par l’intervention de Claudio, s’apprête à déclarer sa flamme à Beatrice. Elle passe, il l’aborde. Il expose ses sentiments... Elle lui répond moins favorablement qu’il n’espérait : elle ne veut pas s’engager car Hero a été humilié, et elle veut d’abord que Benedick non seulement rompe tout contact avec Claudio, mais avant cela, l’humilie en duel verbal lors de la fête du lycée (cf. 8 mile). Benedick, réticent, finit par accepter.

(Benedick was looking for Beatrice, to declare his love. He bumps into Donna Joan...)
Bk- Hi, DJ... Have you seen Beatrice ?
DJ- Hi, Benedick. Yes I’m fine. Thank you for being so concerned...
Bk- Sorry, I was a bit short. But I’ve taken a big decision, and I need to make it real before I might change my mind.
DJ- Do you want to talk about it ?
Bk-Well, I’d rather find Beatrice. I have important things to tell her.
DJ- How come the important things are never meant for me ?
Bk- (embarrassed, then trying to be nice) Well, DJ, I’m sure you’re a very nice person. People may just not know you well enough.
DJ- (with a seductive smile) Do you want to know me better ?
Bk- Well, I’m sorry, I’m in a rush. I need to see Beatrice. Have you seen her ?
DJ- (disappointed) Yeah, I’ve seen her. She’s with her friend Hero, whose love life is falling apart. (she shows the group... Claudio is striding away)
(Benedick goes to Beatrice.)
Bk- What’s going on ?
B- Cursed be Claudio and all the men like him !
Bk- What ? Claudio is a very decent guy...
B- Sweet Hero, she is wronged, she is slandered, she is undone. And Claudio is the cause of all this grief ! Is that what you call a decent man ?
Bk- I don’t get it. Claudio was in love with Hero. Why would he want to hurt her ?
B- Maybe that’s what a man does when he loves a woman : he hurts her !
Bk- Men are not like that. I’d come to tell you that...I’m in love with you - and I could never, never hurt you.
B- Are you ? Well... I must admit... I was about to protest I loved you.
Bk- You do ?
B- I think I do... But Claudio’s outrageous behaviour is another piece of evidence against men. I don’t want to be fooled by a man as Hero was by Claudio... What kind of man are you ?
Bk- My ways may sometimes be deceptive. I like to flex my muscle in front of girls, I like to brag a little... But when it comes to true love, I wear my heart on my sleeve.
B- Can you give me proof of your sincerity ?
Bk- Come, bid me do anything for thee.
B- Kill Claudio.
Bk- Ha ! Not for the wide world.
B- You kill me to deny it. Farewell !
Bk- Beatrice ! I can’t do that !
B- You don’t need to kill him for real... Humiliate him as he humiliated Hero.
Bk- How should I do that ?
B- Challenge him. In a few days, there will be the school’s live drama festival. Along with theater plays, there will be a word battle. Challenge him and knock him down. Your quick tongue would then have given me greater tokens of love than any oath could ever have.
Bk- (hesitates then makes up his mind) Enough. I am engaged.
B- Good. Thank you so much. I love you.

Scene 8 -

Benedick va voir Claudio. Il lui explique qu’il a porté grand tort à Hero, et que désespérée, elle a fumé dans les toilettes, a été surprise par un surveillant, et s’est faite renvoyer. Il fait porter la faute à Claudio, qui malgré son sentiment d’être dans son bon droit, est surpris que Benedick prenne autant parti pour Hero. Benedick lui lance un défi : l’affronter au duel verbal programmé lors de la fête du lycée.

Bk- Claudio, here you are !
C- Hi, Benedick.How are you doing ?
Bk- I’m very angry.
C- Oh, are you ? Who should be blamed for that ? Did a girl turn you down ?
Bk- No, YOU turned down a very good girl. With disgraceful accusations.
C- Oh did I ? I only remember protecting my dignity against the lust of an easy woman.
Bk- You are a villain. I jest not. I want to meet you at the Live Drama festival. Do me right or I will protest your cowardice.
C- Well, I will meet you, so I may have a good cheer.
Bk- I’m in no mood for that. I’m challenging you in the live word battle. And I expect to give much publicity to your shameful treatment of a wonderful girl. Fare you well, boy, you know my mind. (He leaves)
C- I knew that he liked girls, but I didn’t expect him to claim to be their white knight !

Scène 9 -

La fête du lycée. Benedick se prépare à affronter Claudio. Donna Joan est avec ce dernier et lui monte la tête pour écraser Benedick. Mais avant leur duel est programmée une pièce de théâtre. Donna Joan cherche à dissuader Claudio d’y assister, lui suggérant qu’il se préparera mieux en s’isolant. Mais lui préfère se préparer en s’imprégnant de la scène... Là, ils arrivent. Il y a du monde... Hero est en train de jouer une pièce : Romeo & Juliet, avec Don Pedro ! Claudio se rend compte de sa méprise. Il est confus. Donna Joan, pendant ce temps, s’éclipse. A la fin de la pièce, Claudio intervient pour s’excuser publiquement. Il exprime tous ses regrets à Hero, explique la manipulation de Donna Joan, et la conjure de lui pardonner et d’accepter son amour. Elle est encore remuée, mais accepte ; Benedick et Beatrice, soulagés, peuvent eux-mêmes se retrouver.

C- I apologize, Hero. I should have trusted you. I now realize how mistaken I was...
H- You hurt me deeply.
C- I know. I’m so sorry, now. I was blind and deaf, though I relied on my eyes and ears.
H- As I played “Juliet”, I couldn’t help thinking of YOU as my Romeo.
C- I should have seen the true feelings beyond the act.
H- I played a part to tell a deeper truth, not to lie.
C- As the bard said : “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players :” I will make it up to you, I swear. Do you still love me ?
H- I do.
Bk- I haven’t battled against Claudio, but there’s no point any more, is there ?
B- No there isn’t. But you kept your word. I will keep mine.
C- Words of love, obviously.

useful quote :

Juliet :
O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo ?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.
What’s in a name ? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.
(R&J, II, 2)